If you have any problems with this please send an email to the club. I can not test this myself without making major changes to my Windows settings. If my Windows does not start after I make these changes then I will not be able to undo them ...

This is not the same frequencies page that was in operation before the arrival of the dealing machine. With the imminent demise of Windows XP I have a lot of work to do to restructure all computer-related activities. My antivirus system does not like what I am doing which complicates matters.

This page was designed for a screen resolution of 800 * 600. Some buttons may not format correctly at other resolutions.

Click a pair button to reveal their scorecard, the pair button will turn red. Click a board button (more redness) to show the score frequencies from the board and four additional buttons to control the display of the individual hands. All score and match-point details are relative to the results obtained by the N/S pairs at each table. You can click as many buttons as you like until terminal boredom sets in .....
Any scores that end with a 1 are averages, 641 means N/S 60%, E/W 40%, and so on.